Baby What Causes Gas Pain in Babies and How Does It Go?


Gas pain is a distressing situation that almost every baby experiences. However, some babies experience gas distress for a longer period of time, while others take a shorter time. So, what causes gas pain and how does it pass? Many mothers and fathers are helpless in the face of their crying and silent babies. In addition, pregnant women also suffer from gas pains, and this is sometimes even confused with labor pain. In this case, the question of what causes gas pain and how it passes comes to mind. Gas pain in babies and mothers is due to the sensitivity of the body to various foods. Sensitivity may be more especially in infants. You can find solutions for this situation in detail in the following parts of our article.

What Causes Gas Pain in Babies, How It Passes, What Foods Cause Gas Pain?

Babies are fed with breast milk until 2 years old. Therefore, there is often no need for additional food. However, sometimes additional food should be given in addition to this. In this case, gas pains are more common in babies who take additional food. However, babies who do not take additional food can also cause gas pains with the foods they take with breast milk. The answer to the question of what causes gas pain in babies and how it passes, varies for each baby. Some babies' bodies are more sensitive to certain foods. In this case, the baby can be prevented from passing gas through milk by paying attention to what is eaten and drunk. Foods such as pickles, yoghurt, dried beans and legumes, and lentil soup are gas-causing. However, if the baby's body can expel the gas, this is not a problem. Another answer to the question of what causes gas pain in babies and how it passes, is to rub the baby's back to pass the PAIN. Putting a hot towel on the feet of babies is also known as an effective method for passing gas pains.

Gas Pain in Pregnancy - What Should Be Considered?

It is considered normal for women to develop sensitivity to various odors and foods during pregnancy. During this period, foods that do not normally cause gas or gas pain can also be distressing. For this reason, the first answer we will give to the question of what causes gas pain with pregnancy and how it passes is that the situation is variable for every expectant mother. In other words, gas pain during pregnancy can also be caused by foods that do not normally produce gas. In this case, it is necessary to stay away from foods that cause gas pain by monitoring which food has an effect on the body. Another answer to the question of what causes gas pain in pregnancy and how it passes is related to the methods used to pass gas pains. Keeping oneself warm under a blanket such as a hot towel or quilt, pique, which is put to keep the feet warm, are effective methods for passing gas pains.

How to Take Precautions?

The best precaution for gas pain in both babies and pregnant women is to stay away from gas-producing foods. For this reason, the most important answer to the question of why gas pains and how it passes is given. In order to sleep more comfortably at night and not feel sour in the stomach, care should be taken that the foods taken should not be based on dough. Another answer to the question of what causes gas pain during pregnancy and how it passes is given in the form of not getting cold feet. Because gas pain does not depend only on what is eaten and drunk. Cold feet are also known as the most important factor that causes gas and gas pain. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain body temperature in both babies and pregnant women.

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