Baby Baby Nutrition


Baby Community Member
18 May 2022
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From the first moment your child is born, he should have a regular and conscious diet. In the first six months, when breast milk is very important, there are cases of milk deficiency and feeding with supplementary foods and formulas where breast milk cannot be given due to some special reasons. In such cases, the mother and child should establish a diet in line with the help and supervision of a doctor.

0-6 Months Baby Nutrition
Breast milk is one of the best foods to choose for the first six months. breast milk;

Provides immunity against microbes

It is an economical option

Helps a healthy digestive system

Reduces risk of food allergies

Breastfed babies do not need additional water supply

Provides iron absorption

It is considered appropriate for babies who are not allergic to milk for the first six months and who have a healthy mother as a result of an uneventful pregnancy, to be fed with breast milk.

What are the Symptoms of Milk Allergy?

Crying (Crying is seen in every baby, but the severity of such crying can be easily understood.)

rash in the mouth



skin rash

breathing problems

gas problem

Additional Food After 0-6 Months

Your baby, who grows with breast milk for the first six months, can switch to complementary foods after the sixth month. Although it is said that the period of starting solid food for babies is six months, it is now known as the period when they can hold themselves upright and sit on a chair. During this period, babies should not be introduced to every food immediately, and foods that they can easily chew and swallow should be preferred. It is an information stated by experts that pureed foods are the most correct foods to be preferred.

Another point to be considered in baby feeding is that you should examine your baby's reactions to foods well. Avoiding foods that will harm the baby's digestive system and cause gas problems is one of the points that should be considered for baby nutrition.

Should breast milk be discontinued as soon as complementary foods are introduced?

It will not be right to choose one of the two, as you will try additional foods at the same time as breast milk is weaned. After you make sure that your baby, to whom you give additional food, is fed adequately, you should stop breastfeeding.

Foods That Can Be Given as Supplementary Food:







Sweet potato


brussels sprouts

You can feed your baby by pureeing vegetables such as boiled vegetables.

As a fruit, it can be easily crushed and has no seeds:




It is among the fruits that you can choose as supplementary food.

Vegetable Soup for Baby Nutrition:

1 medium celery

1 teaspoon of water

2 small slices of pumpkin

1 cup of meat-bone broth

1 tablespoon of oil

You can use any vegetables you want for an ideal baby soup, but this soup is among the fast and useful soups that every baby can easily consume.

After washing and cutting all the vegetables into small pieces, put them in a pot and boil them. After adding the bone broth to the boiled vegetables, wait until it boils. It is not recommended to use salt as a spice. After taking the boiling soup from the stove, you can puree it with the help of a blender or a fork and feed it to your baby.

It is very important to be conscious parents in this period when additional foods are very important in baby nutrition and you can provide proper nutrition with the help of the right foods. You should carry out a detailed research in order to feed your baby the foods that the baby's stomach cannot digest and not to cause health problems later on. At the same time, another point that many parents should pay attention to is that your child should be well aware of which foods they are allergic to.