
Baby Community Member
11 May 2020
Tepki puanı
United States

Babies are the joy of our home, our life energy. Of course, married couples want to have a baby. However, some couples cannot have a baby by normal means or they lose their babies after a certain period of pregnancy. One of the treatments that these couples can choose is IVF, which has been successfully applied for many years.

IVF Treatment, which is an assisted reproductive technique; Infections in older women, blockages in the tubes, inability to get results in vaccination treatment, decreased ovarian stores, ovulation disorder, repeated pregnancy loss, having some health problems, infertility for unknown reasons, and low sperm count in men, low sperm quality It offers the opportunity to have a baby for couples who cannot have a baby due to obesity, obesity and some metabolic disorders.

The path followed in IVF treatment: First of all, couples are examined and their stories are listened to in order to ensure that couples can have a baby. After the examination and history evaluation, a special treatment method is planned for the couple and the application is started. It is the placement of healthy embryos obtained as a result of fertilization of sperm cells taken from the man and the egg taken from the woman in a culture outside the body in a laboratory environment with suitable conditions, and the placement of healthy embryos in the uterus of the woman. When fertilization occurs in a healthy way, it is expected that the egg will divide into the stage of division and then turn into an embryo. The embryo is then placed in the mother's uterus and is expected to attach successfully. If the attachment has taken place, it means that the pregnancy has started. It is no different from other pregnancies.


Before starting this treatment, the hospital and clinic where the treatment will be performed should be investigated. The number of patients and success rates should be examined and information should be obtained about the cost of the treatment to be applied. Before starting IVF treatment, the couple must pass a number of tests. Some of these tests are:

• The Ovarian Reserve test is the blood test performed in the first days of the menstrual period to determine the number and quality of eggs. This test determines the response of the ovaries to drugs.

• Semen Analysis may be recommended by the doctor before starting IVF treatment.

• Tests for infectious diseases, especially HIV.

• Trial Embryo Transfer to see depth before embryo placement, to determine success.

• Intrauterine examination is performed with an illuminated camera under operating room conditions. This is called the Uterine Assessment.

• Types of IVF Treatment: The first of these is Classic IVF Treatment. It is a method that is applied in a healthy way for couples who are young, with high sperm and egg counts, and also with high egg and sperm quality. In this method, sperm cells and egg cells are brought together in a predetermined appropriate laboratory environment and fertilization is ensured. After fertilization, one or more of the suitable embryos are placed in the mother's uterus without any other procedure. In this method, fertilization occurs as a result of self-fertilization of sperm and egg. A second method is the Microinjection method. In cases where the microinjection method is applied frequently, the male sperm count is low and the motility rate is low. It is injected into the egg, which has the highest quality among the sperm taken from the male, and fertilization is ensured. Another method, In Vitro Maturation; It is a method used to prevent the risks that may occur later in women with a very high egg count. The eggs are collected before they are matured and matured in the external environment. Then, the eggs that are deemed suitable for pregnancy are fertilized with sperm cells in the laboratory environment. It is aimed to increase the success of these methods, which are administered and applied with hormone drugs in order to increase the number and quality of women's eggs.

It has been observed that mothers who cannot have a baby by normal means get positive results when they apply for IVF treatment without wasting time and before their age progresses. Which method to choose in IVF treatment, the quality of the embryos and the possibility of conception differ for each couple. For this reason, IVF treatment, which is specially prepared, planned and applied for couples, is preferred.


For the success in IVF treatment, the experience of the doctor, hospital and clinic is very important, along with factors such as the ages of the couples to be treated, their health status, the reasons for not having a baby. Things to do before starting treatment: A large number of eggs are required in IVF treatment. For this reason, synthetic hormones given will be effective in producing a lot of eggs. Medicines are used for stimulation of the egg, maturation of the egg, prevention of premature cracking of the egg, preparation of the uterus. Ultrasound and blood tests are performed to determine the time of collection of eggs.


In general, the in vitro fertilization trial is recommended three times. However, if more than three attempts are made, pregnancy may occur. In fact, in vitro fertilization can be done as many times as desired. Studies conducted today show that in vitro fertilization treatment and hormone drugs used in IVF treatment do not have any known negative effects on women or have any negative effects on cancer formation. No cases such as depletion of the ovaries or early menopause have occurred with IVF treatment. Since IVF treatment is actually a treatment that ends when pregnant, many in vitro fertilization attempts can be made until conception. Only the probability is low. IVF treatment is applied in women up to the age of forty-five. However, women over the age of forty are less likely to get pregnant. Therefore, the pregnancy rate of older women is lower than that of younger women, and the number of attempts should be further increased.

IVF treatments can sometimes be canceled prior to egg retrieval. We can list the reasons as follows:

• Insufficient development of egg sacs

• Presence of prematurely hatched eggs

Over-development of the egg sacs and over-stimulation of the ovaries

• Other medical reasons.


• If more than one embryo is placed in the uterus, there is a possibility of multiple births. In this case, the probability of premature birth or miscarriage is high.

Fertility drugs injected with a needle stimulate the ovaries and the ovaries can cause pain.

Premature birth or low birth weight may occur in IVF treatment.

• The needles used for egg collection may cause infections and bleeding in blood vessels, bladder, and intestines.

• IVF Treatment, which is a tiring treatment, can cause stress in people.


The prices of IVF treatment vary according to the couples. Prices may vary depending on the condition of the transaction. Egg collection, embryo creation and transfer applications are the most affordable ones. In addition to these procedures, the cost will increase when procedures such as ICSI, TESE, embryo freezing, genetic examination, and thinning of the embryo sheath are performed.


Pregnancy test is done 12 and 14 days after transfer. If the test is positive, treatment is started for pregnancy follow-up. If the test is negative, hormone intake is stopped.

Success in IVF treatment depends on many factors.

• Maternal age: Young age increases the probability of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.

• Embryo: If the embryo is developed during transfer, pregnancy rates increase

• Pregnancy history: The success rate is higher in women who have had pregnancy.

• Cause of Infertility: The probability is higher in studies with normal eggs.

• Lifestyle: Pregnancy rates of women who consume alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine are lower. Obesity and the use of certain drugs also reduce the likelihood.