Baby Reflexive Movements in Babies 12th 14th Month Period


Baby Community Member
18 May 2022
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The 12th-14th months are an important period for fine motor muscles. By this period, your child's grips have become more controlled and stronger. However, before this period, your child has not yet strengthened the ability to reach and grasp an object in a controlled way, while mastering it in different ways. From the 12th month onwards, your child will gain this ability, and from now on, the only thing to do for fine motor muscles will be to remember the level of expertise with new experiences and repetitions.

Haven't Booked Your Baby's Room Yet?

Considering the nutritional needs of the baby, it was determined that babies were fed only with breast milk in the first six months; If it is assumed that it is later passed on to additional foods, it is important that the baby acquires the habit of sleeping in his own room after the sixth month at the latest. However, if your baby is still sleeping with you, leaving the room from the 12th month has become a more developmentally important issue.

In addition to nutrition, the importance of the first year in terms of the psychological development of the child gains importance and is emphasized from different perspectives. According to the attachment theory of therapist and theorist J. Bowbly, babies whose needs are met on time and regularly develop a positive self-perception towards themselves and the outside world. In other words, in this period, babies feel the presence and love of their parents closely; Meeting the needs of the baby quickly and regularly contributes to the development of the baby's basic sense of trust. The important thing here is that you can respond immediately when your baby needs you. However, you do not need to sleep in the same room for this. Especially not after 12 months. As a matter of fact, it is very important for children to develop the habit of sleeping in their own room. Care should be taken to ensure that the child becomes an independent individual in the future, and does not become dependent on being able to sleep together. Therefore, if you have a place in your home and you haven't done so yet, separating your baby's bed is an important advice we can give you.

How Can I Keep My Child's Sense of Curiosity Alive?

Children are naturally curious; They tinker with everything and constantly ask questions. They need the presence of someone who answers their questions and satisfies their curiosity. Therefore, curiosity is the most important tool that contributes to your child's learning. According to research, your child's need for new knowledge and practice triggers learning, but rather it is interest, the impulse that triggers learning.

As parents, you can keep your child's sense of curiosity alive by asking questions that require exploration and curiosity, by making research and by introducing experimental activities into your child's life, by giving them the opportunity to share and present the products that have emerged. Curiosity will increase exponentially as your child enjoys exploring and creating.

The majority of the games you will play with your child are designed to enable your child to learn by exploring, based on this scientific fact. I wish you days full of curiosity and discovery…. 😊