
Baby Community Member
11 May 2020
En iyi cevaplar
Tepki puanı
United States

At the age of two and then at the 30th month, there will be two thresholds that will make very important differences in your baby's development. Especially after the 30th month, your life will probably become much easier. You will realize how much your child starts to grow all of a sudden. I am full of energy... Right now, your child is full of energy and desire to act. Sometimes you may wonder if this energy will never end. Especially since he started walking, he is learning so much new things every day that he has little intention of stopping. Sometimes he doesn't even want to sleep because he doesn't want to break away from too much energy and sometimes because of his new discoveries. Directing this energy to physical movements will be very useful in this period when gross motor muscles develop rapidly. Games such as going to the park, small stretching, jumping exercises, bowling, and mini basketball support the development of both your child's motor muscles; It also provides the development of hand-eye and foot-eye coordination. Children and Music Pay attention to advice on two important ways you can contribute to your child's brain development... In their book titled "Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for Raising Happily Kids" published in 2014, Dr. Dona Matthews and Dr. Joanne Foster says there is growing evidence that well-designed music education that increases the will to work helps develop the math and language centers of children's brains. G. Schlaug in his article titled "The Effects of Music Education on Children's Brain and Cognitive Development" in 2005; He said that professional music artists have more neural equipment (neural network) in many areas of the brain than other people. While playing an instrument, many parts of the brain are stimulated; The development of our children is supported simultaneously in different areas. In particular, playing instruments such as drums or piano enables the right and left brain to work in a coordinated way. While reading notes, your child is playing the piano by pressing the right keys; Imagine him humming the melody or playing along with his lyrics at the same time. When we talk about cognitive development, hand-eye coordination, attention, focus, fine motor muscles, we can easily see how playing a musical instrument can be beneficial for our children.

Of course, this age is too early for your child to start playing an instrument. However, this is a great time to love music, teach rhythm and sow some seeds. You can sing songs to your child during this period. Very soon he will begin to accompany you in these songs. Also maracas etc. can play games with rhythm toys; You can start keeping rhythm together. These exercises will help your child to develop a musical ear. It is possible to start fun studies on playing an instrument from the age of 3.