Baby Announced to those who say they eat lots of yogurt to my baby...!


Baby Community Member
11 May 2020
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United States

There was only cheese, yoghurt and milk left that we could trust and feed our baby with pleasure. Mothers who say they feed their baby lots of yogurt should read carefully...

In the past, yogurt made with pure milk would turn sour in two days. It's been a month now. Turns out he had a reason.

Give up this much, now some food companies ignore our lives, our baby's life, for a few cents. According to the claims of some specialist doctors;


It's actually a chemical agent that shouldn't be in foods. In fact, a melamine-like plastic is added by some companies to milk, yogurt and ayran, all kinds of foods that milk enters. Because this molecule binds with water in an incredible way, increasing its consistency. This both saves time in terms of manufacturing projects and extends the expiration date as the food loses its naturalness. In addition, it paves the way for companies to work with stock. It is incredibly cost-effective. It increases competitiveness.

solitine; a tricalcid compound, the kind you can find free in nature, such as chalk, gypsum. However, while this compound is excreted from the kidneys, it accumulates in the glomeruli in the renal tubules and prevents filtration, that is, the filtration of the blood by the kidneys.

As a result; Kidney disorders extending to kidney failure cause an increase in serum urea and creatinine levels, resulting in constant fatigue, memory and concentration disorders, and even serious mental disorders.

Although it was stated in the declaration prepared for the 21st Europe Pscyhatry Society by the Department of Psychiatry of Solingen University in Germany in 2009 that there is a possible relationship between schizophrenia and the use of solit, especially in cases of paranoid schizophrenia, tricalciophospate compounds in the blood were 16 times higher than normal, the declaration was not accepted for presentation in the congress for some reason.

Of course, I certainly do not accuse all companies. I'm not saying they all do. There are many methods to increase the durability of milk and dairy products. However, I have voiced the claims of some experts. I don't know how true that is. We use the products of a few companies that we trust. But we usually buy dairy products from dairy. We ferment yoghurt and cheese at home. I recommend it as a precaution.