Test Tube Baby How To Make An In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?


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6 Nis 2020
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) method is a long-used assisted reproductive technique applied to couples who cannot have children. “In vitro fertilization” is one of the most preferred infertility treatments today. In cases where unexplained infertility, infection, blockage in tubes, poor sperm quality in men, weight or older age can result with the in vitro fertilization method, couples can have babies. In vitro fertilization treatment involves the treatment process that allows the fertilization of the female reproductive cells, ova and male reproductive cells, sperm by collecting them outside the body, in a laboratory environment.


When the fertilized ovular begin to divide and pass the first stages of development called embryos in the laboratory environment, they are placed in the womb of the expectant mother. Pregnancy obtained after this stage does not differ from naturally occurring pregnancies. The difference from natural pregnancy is that fertilization is carried out in laboratory conditions and the fertilized ova are placed back into the mother's uterus. Vaccination treatment can also be preferred before in vitro fertilization treatment especially for male infertility. In this method, the collected sperm are transferred into the uterus.

In the treatment of IVF, ova are placed in two ways:

  • The fertilization process in the laboratory environment is in the form of leaving the sperm next to the ova and waiting for these sperm to enter the ova by themselves and perform the fertilization process (classical IVF).
  • Under the microscope, sperm is injected directly into the ova with the help of a pipette and fertilization (microinjection) is done.
IVF experts determine the preference between the two methods according to the properties of the couples. The aim is to get the highest chance of success for the couple.

In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Process
Women who have regular periods form one ova every month. It is aimed to increase this number with hormonal drugs given externally in IVF treatment. Although each treatment protocol differs, basically two parallel hormone treatments are applied that ensure ova development and prevent early ovulation. During the use of these hormone drugs, ultrasound and blood tests are performed to monitor the response of the ovaries, that is, ova development and to make dose adjustments when necessary. In this way, the ova that reach maturity are collected by a simple needle aspiration method known as cracking needle and fertilization is ensured in the laboratory environment with sperm taken from the male.

Collection of ova can be done under general anesthesia or under sedation and local anesthesia. This fertilization can be achieved by placing sperm and ova side by side in the classical IVF method, or by injection of each sperm called microinjection into a single ova under a high magnification microscope. Your doctor will explain which method is more suitable for you. The fertilized ova are left to develop in the laboratory for 2 to 3 days or in some cases for 5 to 6 days in the laboratory in temperature and atmosphere controlled culture media, and after this period the best developing embryos are selected and placed back into the uterus.

Since the determination of the number of embryos to be transferred will directly affect the chance of pregnancy and the risk of multiple pregnancy, this number will be discussed with you in detail prior to the transfer, after determining the quality of the embryo. Embryo transfer does not require anesthesia and sedation, except in very rare cases.


In What Cases Is In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Performed?
Despite getting sexual intercourse without using any protection method, if it cannot to get pregnant for 1 year and more time, an In Vitro Fertilization Center should be applied for infertility. The woman's the number of ovarian are evaluated first for IVF treatment. The state of the number of ovarian is checked by hormone tests and ultrasonography performed on the 3rd day of menstruation. If the Number of ovarian is found to be good in this examination, IVF can be treated until the age of 45. However, due to the negative effects of getting along age, the embryo should be examined in terms of chromosomes. In addition, women who will start IVF treatment after 38 years of age should apply to the preimplantation genetic diagnosis method and evaluate the status of their embryos.


After 35 years of age, the women number of ova and ovulation decreases and the quality of the ova suffers. Even if the number of ovarian are suitable for IVF, the chance of success in IVF decreases. For these reasons, it is important for women who have infertility to start treatment without waiting for their advanced ages in order to have children. Sperm production of the male continues at any age. However, getting along age, sperm quality decreases. Sperm motility may decrease by 54 percent in men over the age of 55. It is thought that sperm DNA is damaged as a factor in this.