Baby Teething Problems in Babies and Small Suggestions


Baby Community Member
29 Haz 2017
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Teething Problems in Babies and Small Suggestions.jpeg

Teething time in babies usually starts from the 6th month. Teething may occur after this period. Sometimes babies are born with teeth in their mouths, and sometimes they may not be teething until they are one year old. Teething can be very troublesome in some babies, while in others, the troubles can be seen less.

While some babies experience only mild symptoms, other babies can suffer a lot. It hurts us too to see our babies suffer. There are many ways to reduce the suffering of our babies.

How Long Does Teething Take?

Babies usually start erupting their milk teeth at 6 months of age (except in exceptional circumstances). By the age of 2-2.5, they usually have all their milk teeth. When they reach the age of 6, they lose their first teeth and replace them with permanent teeth. However, teething can also develop in different periods. Teething period can vary from baby to baby. Babies who start teething at the age of 3-4 months or who have not yet removed their milk teeth at the age of one can also be seen. This is a trait inherited from parents through genetics. In other words, if your teeth came out late, your baby's teeth will most likely come out later.

If you suspect that the baby is teething, you can read about the teething symptoms below;

- fever and diarrhea
- Sensitive, reddened gums where the tooth erupted
- Cheek flushing
- Drooling more than usual
- Do not rub, bite or suck on the gums
- Do not rub the ears
- Chewing more than usual
- interrupted sleep
- Not eating as much as usual
- Irritability and restlessness
- Restlessness and crying spells
- The desire to put everything in his mouth

Teething symptoms are the ones listed above. If you see the following symptoms, go to the doctor immediately.
Remember that sometimes some symptoms such as choking, coughing, vomiting, rash, high fever are mistakenly associated with teething. (If you see these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately)

Let's get to Relieve Extremely Annoyed Babies With Teething:

Seeing your baby in pain gives parents the greatest pain and teething can make you feel helpless, but remember that there are many remedies you can do.

+ Giving Cold Berries:
If your baby has switched to solid foods, cold foods such as peach or mashed banana, yogurt can be comforting for reddened gums. To avoid the risk of suffocation, stuff them in a fruit net and make it easy for your baby to lick or suck.

+ Give a Cold Metal Spoon:
In fact, often the most effective solutions are the simplest.

+ Giving Teething Toys
Biting on the teether can be very soothing to your baby's red and sore gums and has a distracting effect.

+ Lots of Hugs
What could be more beautiful and soothing than compassion, love, attention?
Take your baby in your arms abundantly, it will both soothe and relax and develop a sense of self-confidence...

+ Avoid Sugar And Dessert

When your baby starts to consume additional food other than breast milk, choose foods such as fruits and raw vegetables instead of sweets and sugar for the long-term health of milk teeth. Keep your child away from sodas, soft candies, candies, and fabricated fruit juices as much as possible. Give fruit that you crushed and pureed yourself.