Baby Which Game and Toy for Babies?


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En İyiler - The Best
27 Tem 2022
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We would like to share with you what kind of development your child can show in which areas by age group and which games, activities, toys and materials can support this development. We ask you not to ignore some details while observing or trying to support this development. We try to remind these details frequently in our articles, but because we believe they are really important, we needed to remind them once again by gathering these details this week:

1- First of all, we should not forget that each child is a separate individual and may exhibit different developmental characteristics. Please do not compare your children with other children. The periodical development characteristics that we have shared with you are the average development characteristics of that period. However, some children may be very fast in acquiring these features, while others may be watching more digestively or at a slower pace. In addition, many of our children may develop rapidly in one area and slow in another. All of this is normal and nothing to panic or sometimes brag about. Getting stressed out while raising a child is one of the worst things you can do to both yourself and your child when trying to get things right. These are very enjoyable years that you can never bring back and if you are calm and equipped. Remember, the purpose of our being here today is to help you establish the infrastructure that will enable you to experience this pleasure.

2- We believe that there are two important benefits of following the development characteristics. First of all, it gives you the opportunity to support your child in the best way with the right play, environment and toys. If your child is progressing more slowly in a subject, it allows you to get the support he/she needs and to organize his/her environment accordingly, to experience and create opportunities for repetition. The areas of development are interrelated and the development in each area generally feeds the others. Another important issue is the close monitoring of the indicators we call "red flags" or "red flags/warning indicators. Although some delays are normal, some delays and knowing what these delays are prepares us for life in terms of early warning systems. delays are a harbinger of problems that may occur in the future. Beyond being a messenger, if timely intervention is made, it helps to solve long-term problems from the root, or at least reduce their effects. Today, all experts in the field of medicine and psychiatry emphasize the importance of early detection and treatment. For example, children with language delay may have an increased risk of language disorders at school age, or research shows that children with language disorders between the ages of 2 and 5 face difficulties with reading. We recommend that you seek assistance from an expert if there are delays in the warning indicators. Depending on the nature of the delay, we also try to share in which field it is best to apply to experts as much as possible. We hope with all our hearts that you make good use of these opportunities.

3- Do not be upset if your neighbor's child's developmental rate is faster than yours. There is no scientific evidence that children who reach developmental stages early are better in development or academic success in later years than children who complete developmental stages at a normal pace. Yes, each new stimulus and learning triggers or nurtures another new area, but it is not true to think that making "fast" progress can be a sign of being more successful in the future. The important thing is to complete the stages of development by giving their due and without skipping. For this, it is to support your child's rhythm without being too intrusive, but at the same time by trying to give them the necessary environmental arrangements and different warnings through games and activities.

In short, our advice to you is: Please watch your child's development with pleasure. Do not confuse him with others. Respect her as an individual and love her for who she is. Let it evolve at its own pace. Prepare the environment he needs to support his development so he can find his potential. Please don't be too intrusive. Give your child time to experience, to experience a sense of repetition and success. Pay attention to the selection of games and toys appropriate for their age. Observe his progress, but don't worry about any delay. Especially watch the warning indicators carefully and do not neglect to consult a specialist when necessary. Whatever happens, enjoy these times and know that they pass quickly.