Child Your Child's 20th Month Period


Baby Community Member
11 May 2020
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United States

What happens in the phase of shame versus autonomy, what should I do?

Here are some tips on what to expect from your child around 20 months.

What's this?

First of all, your child's active, curious and investigative nature will continue throughout this month. The way he says the words will probably amuse you a lot as he starts speaking slowly. Don't forget to make a note of these first words. After this stage, when your child's curiosity and researcher identity are combined with language development, it will be inevitable that the questions "what is this" will increase. You can help your child find the words in his memory by asking what kind of questions are they? In addition, while you are looking at the books, for example, while you show and name something on one page, you can ask your child what is on the other page, or you can encourage him to finish by making small starts to the sentences.

Remember, your sentences should be simple and clear.

Autonomy versus shame phase Ericson named the 1-3 year old period as the autonomy versus shame period. So, what happens in the autonomy versus shame phase, and what should we as parents do? During this period, your child starts to walk and talk. However, his dependence on his mother decreases. The child begins to enjoy behaving autonomously and taking independent actions, making his wishes on his own and under your control to a certain extent. Your child now wants to walk on the road by himself, sometimes does not like to be hugged or held. Wants to do this unassisted while climbing stairs or sitting on a chair or armchair. If the child, who is trying to do his own work, is given the opportunity to control himself during this period, feelings of autonomy develop. Release your child when there is no danger. Your child, to whom you give the opportunity to achieve something, experiences the excitement of accomplishing a task. Children who do not experience this feeling may show behaviors such as doubting what they can do in the future, shame, being shy, and not being able to decide on their own. My vocabulary is increasing. Now your child's perception is much clearer and his vocabulary is expanding. He knows words like up, down, inside, out. In 1-2 months, he will learn the meanings of concepts such as front-back, high-low. It can find objects hidden 2-3 floors below. You can find beautiful object discovery activities that will help your children's cognitive development as well as their fine motor muscles. If you explain it to him, he will begin to understand the function of 1-2 body parts; he probably started to name (at least show with understanding what is said). In these months, when you go out with your child, you can start to explain that plants and animals are alive and that we should take good care of them. He can gradually begin to teach our children empathy. But these are just minor planting efforts; Otherwise, it is known that the age of 2 is a self-centered age and concepts such as empathy and sharing have not yet been established. Your child will probably be able to leave you more easily now, but will feel the same happiness when you come back. When you leave, instead of disappearing all of a sudden, telling him where you are going and when you will return and showing him that you will come again will start a trust-based communication between you on this issue. Later, when your child starts school, such infrastructure preparations will be very useful. At this time, your baby is making significant efforts to talk. It is up to you to listen to and encourage his speech. While listening to your child, try to listen by looking into their eyes. This attitude will improve his listening skill, which is very important in his learning life and social relations. Your child will love bubble blowing games during this period. Following bubbles in the air is great for eye tracking. You can also play light-following games by lighting a small lantern in the dark room from time to time. Such eye-following games can support reading habits later on. tantrums Does your child sometimes have tantrums when you least expect it? These crises, which are a natural part of the development process, are usually seen between the ages of 1 and 3 years. The age of onset, frequency, severity, and duration of crises vary from child to child. Some children cry nonstop for quite some time, while others may throw themselves to the ground or even kick around. Conversely, some children spend this period quite lightly and can be easily calmed down.